

Tailored Support

Christie offers a range of tailored supports for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and young people, providing individualised intervention to develop:

  • Language, speech, and auditory skills development

  • Social and emotional development

  • Self advocacy and independence

Flexible delivery options allow sessions to occur at home, in school, or virtually, ensuring your child receives expert intervention that works around your circumstances.

Christie’s Certificate 1 & 2 in Auslan and allows her to offer sign support in the delivery of intervention.

Christie holds Level1 & 2 Auslan, allowing her to offer sign support in the delivery of intervention.

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Language & Listening

For Deaf and Hard of Hearing children, language and listening intervention supports their communicative competence in oral environments. Intervention employs evidence-based strategies tailored to your child’s individual needs.

Social Skills

Social skills foster connection and belonging, and are imperative to the development and maintenance of relationships between young people and their peers, teachers and families.

Communicative competence in a social context can help to reduce the isolation Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and young people sometimes experience. 



Self-advocacy is vital in ensuring access and inclusion. Supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and young people to understand barriers and facilitators to their learning equips them with the language and skills they need to advocate for themselves. 

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Assistive Devices & Technology

Self-management of assistive devices and technology empowers Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and young people to become independent. 

Find out how Christie can best support your child by arranging a free consultation.